Pope Francis receives bracelet made of “Azovstal” steel and lists of Ukrainian prisoners of war

Pope Francis was given lists of captured defenders of Mariupol and presented with a bracelet made of steel from the Mariupol metallurgical plant "Azovstal."

The Mariupol City Council announced this on Telegram and published the corresponding photo of the Pope.

"Pope Francis has a bracelet made of Azovstal steel!" – the message said. It was also mentioned that the Pope was given a list of captured defenders of Mariupol and captured women of Mariupol, including civilians. The Pope was asked to join the voice of the Vatican for their immediate release.

It should be noted that the project "Azovstal. Symbol of perseverance" was launched in October within the framework of the United24 platform and involved the charitable release of bracelets made from the last pre-war batch of metal produced by the Azovstal plant.

Each bracelet was created from 5 grams of steel from the Azovstal plant.

The design of the bracelets – paracord with an engraved coat of arms of Ukraine – was developed by the SOVA jewelry house.

For reference:

The Azovstal Iron and Steel Works was a metallurgical facility located in Mariupol in eastern Ukraine and one of the largest steel rolling companies in the country.

The Azovstal became a symbol of Ukrainian heroism and resistance. The plant had tunnels and bunkers capable of withstanding a nuclear attack, making it an extremely defensible position. Hundreds of Ukrainian soldiers and more than 1,000 civilians resisted one of russia's fiercest military attacks for more than 80 days.


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