"It has now been a year that the people of Ukraine have suffered unimaginably from an unprovoked full-scale attack on their nation." the monarch said in a statement on the Royal Family's Instagram.
The King said, "they have shown truly remarkable courage and resilience in the face of such human tragedy. The world has watched in horror at all the unnecessary suffering inflicted upon Ukrainians, many of whom I have had the great pleasure of meeting here in the UK and, indeed, across the world, from Romania to Canada,"
He underlined he met Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky earlier this month at Buckingham Palace, and he expressed his personal support for the people of Ukraine.
"It is heartening that the United Kingdom, along with its allies, is doing everything possible to help at this most difficult time. Therefore, I can only hope the outpouring of solidarity from across the globe may bring not only practical aid, but also strength from the knowledge that, together, we stand united." the British King said.
Nearly 2.9 million refugees from Ukraine due to the russian invasion were recorded in russia as of October 3, 2022. Furthermore, approximately 1.6 million were reported to have fled to Poland as of February 14, 2023. As of February 7 more than 160 thousand refugees from Ukraine were recorded in the UK.
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