"The vast majority of refugees and internally displaced Ukrainians – some 77 percent and 79 percent respectively – want to return home one day. However, only 12 percent of both refugees and IDPs plan to do so in the next three months," the document says, adding the main obstacle preventing refugees from returning is security in the region of their origin.
"Other concerns cited are about access to and availability of basic services, including electricity, water and healthcare, work opportunities and adequate housing, all of which have been hugely impacted by the war," the UN said.
At the same time, the international organization drew attention to the fact that 18% of Ukrainian refugees are still undecided whether they plan to ever return to Ukraine.
"We cannot think about the future or how the situation in Ukraine is, and for how long it will be like that. We can only think about the present," said one of the refugees participating in the survey.
According to UN estimates, a year after the start of russia's full-fledged invasion of Ukraine, more than 13 million people still cannot return to their homes. About 8 million of them are refugees in Europe, and more than 5 million are internally displaced persons.
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