Diplomats from 193 UN member states are participating in the emergency special session of the General Assembly, which is being held on the eve of the anniversary of russia's full-scale war in Ukraine.
The draft resolution will call for a comprehensive, just and durable peace in accordance with the principles of the United Nations Charter. At the same time, many predict support for such initiative with an overwhelming majority of votes.
Unlike the UN Security Council, russia does not have the right of veto in the General Assembly. At the same time, the resolutions are not binding under international law.
The UN General Assembly has already adopted several resolutions regarding the war in Ukraine, in particular, calling on russia to withdraw its troops, as well as condemning the illegal "annexation" of our country's territories.
Earlier before Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelensky called on the UN General Assembly to vote for the resolution on the Ukrainian peace formula on February 23. He also addressed the Caribbean countries with this appeal.
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