Victoria Nuland, the US Under Secretary of State, said this in the interview to The Washington Post.
"russia is not currently in a position to modify its nuclear weapons, and frankly we have no interest and no plans to do so", Nuland said.
She also noted that russia's suspension from nuclear arms agreement won't change the US attitude in this matter.
"Will we be any different? We will not, and we have made it clear to russia", the secretary added.
Washington is interested in resuming inspections within the framework of the nuclear arms agreement. However, they were stopped long before the formal announcement of russia's suspension of its participation in the treaty.
Before that russia pulled back from nuclear arms control pact with the US.
russia's MFA accuses the US of its decision to suspend the treaty. Although it assures that it is not going to increase its own nuclear arsenal because due to this.
Despite russian dictator vladimir putin's "inexplicable" decision to suspend the nuclear arms control treaty, the US position remains unchanged.
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