Finland will send three Leopard 2 tanks to Ukraine

As part of its thirteenth military aid for the Ukrainian armed forces, Finland will transfer three of its Leopard 2 tanks to Ukraine, Finland's Ministry of Defense said on Thursday. 

The European Pravda reports that President Sauli Niinisto approved the decision on February 23 at the government's suggestion. 

As Ukraine secured commitments from Western partners to supply battlefield tanks to help with russia's invasion, Finnish president Sauli Niinisto said in January that Finland would participate in a tank coalition. Still, the contribution would "not be very numerous."

Finland will hand over three tanks and also help with crew training. The total cost of the 13th package is more than 160 million euros. Other details of the aid package and these weapons' arrival times will not be disclosed for security reasons.

The total value of the weapons that Finland transferred to Ukraine during the full-scale war is about 750 million euros.

"Friday, February 24, will mark the anniversary of the start of russia's aggressive war, and Ukraine will continue to need support to defend itself," said Defense Minister Mikko Savola. "We will provide more weapons and join cooperation on the Leopards together with our partners." 

On February 20, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Finland, Pekka Haavisto, said Finland was preparing a new military aid package for Ukraine. He hinted that this week Finland might make certain decisions regarding its participation in the "tank coalition."

More than 50 world countries pledged to deliver 700 tanks and thousands of armored vehicles, 1,000 artillery systems, more than 2 million artillery ammunition, more than 15 modern missile launchers, and air defense systems to Ukraine, according to President Biden.

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