Ukrainians crownfund fleet of naval drones using NFTs

The UACatsDivision project, in cooperation with crypto media resource Incrypted and the UNITED24 Foundation, released a collection of 10,000 NFT cats and has already managed to collect over UAH 3 million.

Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Digital Transformation Mykhailo Fedorov reported this on Telegram.

What is the problem?

In November 2022, a fundraising campaign for the world's first Ukrainian naval drone fleet was launched on the UNITED24 platform.

What is the solution?

"The UACatsDivision project launched the sale of NFT cats to support Ukraine's armed forces. In the first hours, more than UAH 3 million have been collected. A good result," Fedorov said.

How does it work?

According to the project organizers, in the first 10 minutes from the start of the sale of the collection, 2 million UAH were collected.

"Despite the fact that almost from the first minutes of the sale, due to user activity, a regular payment gateway for bank card payments was installed, all crypto-currency payment instruments work like clockwork. This allowed the first 700 "furry pets" to find their new home," the message reads.

UACatsDivision is one of the few volunteer NFT initiatives that transfers 100% of the funds received to Ukraine's armed forces to purchase the naval drone fleet.

The UACatsDivision collection comprises a range of heroic cats, including a cat from the territorial self-defense forces, a marine cat, a doctor cat, a journalist cat, and 10,000 other cats that defend their homeland from the enemy. By buying any of the NTFs, a person can get a unique furry hero and contribute to the victory of Ukraine.

Moreover, all NTF "cat community" members can choose a name for each naval drone.

It is emphasized that the NFT from the UACatsDivision collection is not only an honorary donation and a personal contribution to victory; it is also a unique digital art that can become a Digital ID and be used in social networks.

In almost ten months of operation, people from 110 countries have joined the United24 platform, and the total amount of charitable contributions is more than $287mln.

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