Ukraine has succeeded and will win the war – Biden

Ukraine's partners are confident that Ukrainians will win the war launched by russia.

US President Joe Biden stated this during a joint press conference with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky in Kyiv.

In particular, Biden recalled how a year ago, after the beginning of the russian invasion, he had a telephone conversation with Zelensky and asked what he, as the President of the United States, could do for him and Ukraine.

"You asked me to rally world leaders. Ask them to support Ukraine. You said then that you do not know when we will be able to speak again. On that dark night a year ago, the world was waiting for the capture of Kyiv and, probably, even the end for Ukraine. But a year later, Kyiv stands, and Ukraine stands. I must note that Kyiv captured a part of my heart. Democracy has endured. America stands with you, and the world stands with you," Biden emphasized.

He recalled that he visited Ukraine six times as the vice president of the USA – the first time in 2009, three times in 2014, after the Revolution of Dignity, and he came to Kyiv again in 2015 to address the Parliament of Ukraine.

He visited Ukraine once again in 2017 before the end of his term as US Vice President.

"So, Mr. President, it is an honor to meet with you today here in Kyiv and with military personnel, intelligence, and diplomatic teams. Everyone has stepped up to help your country. Our partners are standing shoulder to shoulder in the fight against (russia's) war crimes, which shocked the whole world," the US President emphasized.

He stressed that this was the biggest ground war in Europe in three-quarters of a century.

"And you are succeeding in it, contrary to other expectations. We are convinced you will continue to the victory," the US President emphasized.

For reference:

The US leader arrived in Kyiv on the 9th anniversary of commemorating the Heroes of the Heavenly Hundred, the Maidan protesters who died in clashes with police.

Later, CNN reported that President Joe Biden announced a $500-million assistance package to Ukraine. In joint remarks with Ukrainian President Zelensky, Biden said the package included more military equipment, artillery ammunition, javelins, and Howitzers.

Zelensky and Biden spoke about "long-range weapons and the weapons that may still be supplied to Ukraine even though it wasn't supplied before."

Also, Biden stated that more than 50 world countries have pledged to deliver 700 tanks and thousands of armored vehicles, 1,000 artillery systems, more than 2 million artillery ammunition, more than 15 modern missile launchers, and air defense systems to Ukraine.

Read alsoBiden in Kyiv. RUBRYKA PHOTO


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