The "European Pravda" writes that, according to the list, the package includes:
It should be noted that the last package of US military aid in the amount of 400 million dollars was announced at the end of January. This package included M1 Abrams tanks. The total amount of American military assistance to Ukraine since February 2022 has already exceeded 28 billion dollars.
The latest aid was announced following the unannounced visit of US President Joe Biden to Kyiv on Monday, which took place a few days before the anniversary of russia's invasion of Ukraine. Biden met with Volodymyr Zelensky and announced a new package of military aid from the US and additional sanctions against russia for its aggression.
After visiting Kyiv, Biden is leaving for Poland, where he will meet with President Andrzej Duda and the leaders of other countries of NATO's eastern flank – as announced in advance.
Read also – Ukraine has succeeded and will win the war – Biden
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