The publication notes that the Biden administration called on the team of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to consolidate their gains by launching a counterattack.
"The White House has also told Zelensky's team, per multiple officials, to prepare for the offensive now, as weapons and aid from Washington and Europe flow freely," Politico reports, adding that there are fears that "backing from Ukraine's European neighbors could be finite."
The publication also mentions that Ukraine has had so far largely bipartisan support in Washington. However, "some in the administration fear that it may be harder to send additional aid to Kyiv amid mounting resistance from the new Republican-controlled House."
The article also reports that Biden will travel to Poland to meet with President Andrzej Duda and NATO leaders. There, he will probably focus attention on the need for the West to stay on track with Ukraine.
Biden's trip to Poland comes days before the first anniversary of russia's invasion. As per many analysts, this date may have a symbolic sentiment for putin and mark a new wave of attack.
Biden's visit will "celebrate Ukraine's remarkable resistance."
However, according to the publication, despite Ukraine's successes, "russia still controls nearly 20 percent of Ukraine, and the conflict has slowed to a brutal war of attrition."
Earlier, Rubryka reported that US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said that Ukraine's recapture of Crimea would be a red line for putin.
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