The EU High Representative for foreign and security policy, Josep Borrell, said this during the Munich Safety Conference on February 19, Interfax-Ukraine reports.
"Zelenskyy and the Ukrainians get a lot of applause, but not enough ammunition. This is a paradox. They need less applause and more arms. Ukraine is fighting, giving the highest price with lives, but this war is taking place on European territory, affecting us and having a global effect on the whole world," – the top diplomat said.
The EU High Representative emphasized that the European Union now faces "three main challenges:
To remind, the lack of ammunition due to the high intensity of its use is one of the key topics of discussion in the context of aid to Ukraine.
At the same time, the UK defense secretary Ben Wallace stated that Europe has no strategic issue with supplying shells to Ukraine.
This week, Estonia proposed that EU countries invest about €4 billion in a joint purchase of 1 million munitions. According to Ukraine's statements, it needs them this year to repel the russian invasion.
"We must make extraordinary efforts to quickly make a decision and implement the initiative as soon as possible, already in 2023 – this is required by the seriousness of the situation in Ukraine. The price of any delay is very high, and it is growing every day," the document says.
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