French armored vehicles to arrive in Ukraine next week – defense minister

The first French AMX-10 RC light tanks will arrive in Ukraine next week.

French Defense Minister Sebastien Lecornu said this in an interview to Le Parisien.

"Training (Ukrainians on AMX-10 RC) is nearing completion and the tanks will be delivered at the end of next week", he stressed.

Lecornu refused to tell the amount of the equipment "so as not to give any strategic information to russia."

"Overall, the pace of training is accelerating, both on our territory – with specialized training on the equipment we supply, and in Poland – with more general training of entire battalions at a rate of 600 soldiers per month, starting in March", the defense minister said.

Lecornu also commented on the possibility of providing Ukraine with Leclerc tanks. The French Defense Minister pointed out the shortcomings associated with the limited export success.

"Therefore, its transfer to Ukraine will not create a leverage effect for mass deliveries; while a coalition of countries donating Leopard tanks is already in place", – пояснив він.

At the beginning of January, the President of France announced the transfer of French AMX-10 RC wheeled tanks. According to the media, 14 AMX-10 RCs are to be transported, and a total of about 40 machines are expected to be transferred.

To remind

The AMX-10 RC is an armored combat vehicle manufactured by the French company GIAT, designed for reconnaissance.

It has been in service with the French forces since 1981. As of 2021, the French army had more than 240 such vehicles. Since 2021, they've been gradually replaced by Jaguar combat reconnaissance vehicles.

The AMX-10 RC is equipped with a 105 mm gun, a 7.62 mm machine gun and two electrically operated smoke grenade launchers on each side of the turret.

Ammunition consists of 38 rounds of 105 mm, 4,000 rounds of 7.62 mm ammunition and 16 smoke grenades.

The French ACV is often called a "wheeled tank" because it can resist armored vehicles.

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