Expect no quick transfer: Ukraine to get Typhoon jet fighters after the war – Wallace

Ukraine will receive modern Eurofighter fighters, also called Typhoon in the UK, after the war.

Ben Wallace, the UK's defense secretary, said this in the interview to Spiegel.

The head of the British ministry emphasized that there won't be quick jet supply.

"At least not at this stage of war and I'm sure that won't happen in six months too. It will take a while before someone decides to supply Ukraine with jet fighters, let's be honest.

Modern jets, like Eurofighter, that we also call Typhoon in the UK, will be supplied to Ukraine only after the war" – Wallace said.

The UK's defense minister stressed this is the current consensus among Western partners.

"Nevertheless, while being ready to take this step at a certain moment, we signal our determination to help Ukraine as much as it will be needed," he emphasized.

The head of the British ministry noted that if the decision on the jet transfer is approved, everyone will be ready for it.

"If one day we actually decide to transfer the warplanes, we will be ready. Unlike with the battle tanks, there won't be any delays in transfering the jets after a political decision is made", he explained.

To remind, the UK defence secretary also assured that Europe has no trouble with supplying shells to Ukraine.

Wallace reported that the russian army:

  • suffers heavy losses in Ukraine,
  • doesn't show the signs of  tactical "meat grinder" improvement,
  • attempts to maintain a sluggish offensive, which "advances, and if it advances, then by meters, not kilometers"

Ukraine's minister of foreign affairs, Dmytro Kuleba, expressed his confidence that the issue of supplying jets to Ukraine will be resolved. Earlier, the minister said that Ukraine is particularly interested in jet fighters from the USA, the UK, France and Germany. Meanwhile a bipartisan group of lawmakers is pressing the US President Joe Biden to send F-16 warplanes to Ukraine.


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