Anniversary of Maidan bloodshed: the memory of the Heavenly Hundred is honoured in Kyiv. PHOTO

On February 18, on the anniversary of the deadly crackdown of the Revolution of Dignity participants, a memorial procession and memorial service for the Heavenly Hundred took place in Kyiv.

Hundreds of activists and ordinary citizens participated in the events in the capital's center, Rubryka correspondent reports.

Before the March, a memorial service was held in St. Michael's Cathedral, which in the winter of 2013-2014 became not only a shelter for protesters, but also a field hospital.

The commemorative march in honor of the Heavenly Hundred and the fighters for the independence of Ukraine took place along the route Mykhailivska Square – Triochsvyatytelska str. – European Square – Hrushevska str.- Khreshchatyk str. – Alley of Heroes of the Heavenly Hundred.

Residents and guests of Kyiv laid flowers and lit candles next to photos of activists who were killed by the bullets of security forces of the former pro-russian president Viktor Yanukovych 9 years ago.

Today's events, which have already become traditional on February 18-21 – the anniversary of the final stage of the Revolution of Dignity and the bloodiest dates of the Euromaidan – were hosted by relatives of the Heavenly Hundred Heroes, Maidan protesters in cooperation with other organizations.

The events were hosted by the NGO "Families of the Heavenly Hundred", the National Museum of the Revolution of Dignity, the NGO "Association of Doctors of the Revolution of Dignity", relatives of the Heroes of the Heavenly Hundred, participants of the Revolution of Dignity.

What happened on February 18 on Maidan square in Kyiv?

It was on this day in 2014 when the most tragic events of the Revolution of Dignity occured, when 23 activists were killed in the center of Kyiv due to confrontations with security forces, and hundreds more protesters were injured of various degrees of severity.

The decisive stage of the confrontation began on the day when the Verkhovna Rada had to adopt changes to the Constitution to limit the presidential powers of Viktor Yanukovych (return the Constitution of 2004).

On the morning of February 18, about 6,000 Maidan residents marched in a "Peaceful Offensive" along Instytutska street to the Parliament building. Berkut troops blocked the government quarter, but the activists managed to break through the encirclement.

Clashes also took place in Mariinsky Park. On this day, the Security Service of Ukraine announced the start of an anti-terrorist operation.

In the evening of February 18, the Berkut troops began an assault on Maidan with armored vehicles, stun grenades, and pump-action rifles. Closer to night, a fire broke out in the House of Trade Unions.

Two days later, on February 20, the most mass shooting of Maidan citizens happened – snipers fired upon protesters in the center of Kyiv. During the confrontation on Instytutska street, Berkut troops opened fire on unarmed activists – heroes of the Heavenly Hundred.

Yanukovych was removed from the post of head of state and left Ukraine on February 22, moving to the russian federation.

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