French Auchan denies accusations of providing aid to russian army

The French supermarket chain Auchan claimed it didn't supply goods to the russian army.

This is mentioned in the statement of the company, which was published on the website of Auchan Retail.

"Auchan Retail categorically rejects the statements made in the investigative report and their interpretation. Auchan Retail is extremely surprised by such allegations, which are in no way supported by results of the internal investigation", it was reported.

The company also stated that its russian stores provide aid "only to the civilians." It never held charity meetings for the russian army.

Auchan reported that in March 2022, the st.petersburg city hall placed an order for "the aid collection for the civilians." There were no goods that could possibly be intended for the military.

The company also insists it didn't set "humanitarian aid collection points for the Donbas region" in its russian stores.

To remind, The Insider, Le Monde and Bellingcat published a joint investigation about russian "daughter" of French Auchan," which has supplied goods to the russian army on the occupied territories of Ukraine since day one of russia's full-scale invasion. The company reasoned this as a humanitarian aid to the civilians.

The Ukrainian Auchan stated that the company is completely shocked by the journalists' investigation of the russian "daughter" of Auchan. It demands explanation from the french office.

Dmytro Kuleba, the Ukrainian minister of foreign affairs, reported that he would discuss the investigation's results with his french colleague, Katrin Kolona.

Last year, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy called on French companies active in Russia to leave the country. Auchan and other retail brands owned by the Mulliez family announced they would continue operating in the country. Kuleba had called for boycotting Auchan last year. However, Auchan will stay open in Russia as a "human" decision, the CEO of Auchan Retail International, Yves Claude, said last year.

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