Photo: Reuters
The Guardian and Ukrinform reported that he stated this at the Munich Security Conference 2023.
The chancellor said in his speech that Germany is supporting Ukraine "as comprehensively and as long as it's necessary," including more than €12 billion worth of financial aid to the Ukrainian government in 2022 and sheltering more than 1 million Ukrainian refugees.
Germany is breaking with its decades-old policy principles by giving Ukraine cutting-edge weapons, ammunition, and other military supplies, says Mr. Scholz, adding his country will continue to balance between providing the best support for Ukraine and avoiding an "unintended escalation" between NATO and russia.
Germany's chancellor Olaf Scholz also stated that Ukraine's place is "at our side, in a free and united Europe," adding the EU supports Ukraine in its bid for future membership.
The chancellor announced his government is committed to preserving EU security and NATO territory "without any ifs or buts." Berlin will protect Lithuania with an additional brigade and by helping Poland and Slovakia with air defense. According to him, Germany is also in charge of NATO's high-readiness joint task force and maintains 17,000 troops on alert.
According to him, Germany would permanently increase its defense spending to 2% of GDP.
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