Ukrainian diplomats to discuss support at Council of EU

On Monday, the Council of EU foreign ministers will discuss Ukraine's situation as the first item on the agenda. Ukraine's Minister of Foreign Affairs, Dmytro Kuleba, will participate.

The official representative of the EU announced this on the eve of the meeting, Ukrinform reports.

"We will have three main items on the agenda: russian aggression against Ukraine, the situation in Afghanistan, climate and energy diplomacy, etc. Regarding Ukraine, the next week will be crucial, given the anniversary of russia's invasion of Ukraine on February 24… During the discussion of this item, Minister Kuleba will be present personally," the interlocutor noted.

According to him, the primary attention will be focused on the difficult situation in Ukraine. The ministers and their Ukrainian counterpart will discuss the main directions of EU assistance to Ukraine, including military support. There will also be a discussion on completing the preparation of the EU's 10th sanctions package against the aggressor country russia, expected to be adopted by February 24.

Another issue of the meeting will be the consideration of ways to hold russians accountable for crimes committed in Ukraine.

The EU representative also noted that in connection with the anniversary of russia's full-scale war against Ukraine, important events would occur in New York.

Currently, representatives of the EU and member states are working to ensure broad support for the UN General Assembly resolution on russia's war against Ukraine, which will be considered today.

In addition, according to the source, EU foreign ministers will have a working dinner with the Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Moldova, Nicu Popescu.

As expected, the parties will consider the vulnerable situation of Moldova in the context of russian aggression against Ukraine, certain features of the domestic political situation in this country, and directions of further cooperation between Moldova and the EU, as well as measures to support Moldova in the difficult situation that is developing.

Also, before the start of the Council of EU, European government officials will hold an informal meeting with Garry Kasparov, a well-known representative of the russian opposition.

As already reported, following Monday, February 20, a meeting of the EU Council of Ministers for Foreign Affairs will be held in Brussels under the chairmanship of EU High Representative Josep Borrell.

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