Norway’s contribution to Ukraine’s security is historic – Zelensky

On Thursday, February 16, the Norwegian government will present its five-year aid package to Ukraine for 75 billion Norwegian kroner (almost 7 billion euros). Before this event, President Volodymyr Zelensky addressed the Norwegian Storting.

The NRK television and radio company reported that the Norwegian government and most of the Storting have agreed on a five-year program to provide aid to war-affected Ukraine. The support package was named the "Nansen Program."

By 2027, Ukraine will receive multibillion-dollar aid from Norway. Aid should be both military and civilian. The total amount of aid is NOK 75 billion, with an annual allocation of NOK 15 billion.

Before giving the floor to the Ukrainian president, Norwegian Prime Minister Jonas Har Støre stated:

"Sovereign states have the right to defend themselves and have the right to receive help from friends for their self-defense. russia's war against Ukraine violates all these principles, which are decisive for Norway and our national interests. Therefore, the Ukrainians' fight is also our fight."

In turn, Zelensky thanked Norway for its help in the war, which helped save thousands of lives. The Ukrainian leader also recalled that he first addressed the Storting on the 35th day of the war.

He stressed that a lot has changed since March, and Ukraine has confidence that the free world will not leave it unaided.

"Norway's contribution to such confidence is truly historic. You're helping us with air defense which protects our cities from russian terror. You're helping us with anti-tank weapons, and it saves Ukrainians from the expansion of russian torture chambers and abuses on our land.

"You're helping us with the restoration of the energy facilities after russian missile strikes and Iranian drone strikes, which returns people to normal life. And now you are setting a very important precedent for long-term financial support to a country that defends its independence and the right of every country to live in accordance with generally recognized international laws," Zelensky said.

According to the President, this precedent is important because it gives a sense of the tomorrow and confidence in the presence of a reliable shoulder of allies in the future. Zelensky said Norway showed the percent for resilience and is an example for other partners to support Ukraine long-term.

"russia will not overcome our unity. The kremlin will not make terror and intimidation a new reality for Europe. The russian flag will not remain over the occupied territories of Ukraine. It's as correct as your NASAMS, which protect the skies of Ukraine," Zelensky said.

The head of state emphasized that Ukraine still needs air defense, which is a matter of life and death. He mentioned the russian attack last night when the Ukrainian air defense could shoot down half of the missiles. According to the president, the goal is a one hundred percent fight against russian terror.

The Storting has broad political support for the government's package regarding Ukraine. Several party leaders attended the package presentation in the Storting on Thursday.

Norway will also support countries in the south affected by the consequences of the war. At the same time, Norway will provide both humanitarian and food aid to countries suffering from hunger.

Earlier, Norway decided to transfer eight Leopard 2 tanks and up to four special-purpose tanks to Ukraine.

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