The petition is posted on the website of the Office of the President.
"The historical name of russia is moscovia. The same applies to the state formations of the moscow principality, the moscow kingdom, and the moscow empire. On October 22, 1721, i.e., 301 years ago, moscow Tsar Peter I proclaimed the moscow kingdom the "russian empire." "russia" has existed for only 301 years,"— wrote the author of the petition, Valeriya Shakhvorostova.
She noted that the name change gave grounds for russia's further encroachment on the history of Kyivan Rus. In particular, for foreigners, Rus and the names russia, russie, and russland (names of russia in different languages) are almost identical.
"This leads to confusion at the international level. Fiction books are being written, and films are being shot where russia is presented as Rus, which is unacceptable," the author added.
She emphasized that the official change of the name of russia to moscovia is a decisive information move for Ukraine at the international level.
For reference:
According to the Internet Encyclopedia of Ukraine, Kyivan Rus was the first state to arise among the Eastern Slavs, with its capital in the city of Kyiv, the seat of the grand prince from about 880 until the beginning of the 13th century. At its zenith, it covered territory stretching from the Carpathian Mountains to the Volga River and from the Black Sea to the Baltic Sea.
The Grand Duchy of moscow, or simply moscovia, was aRus principality of the Late Middle Ages centered on moscow. It was ruled by a branch of the Rurik dynasty, which had reigned in Kyivan Rus' since its foundation. The state originated only in 1263.
In November 2022, Ukraine's Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Serhiy Kyslytsya, called on Ukrainian officials and legislators to pass a law according to which Ukraine would officially call russia by its historical name "moscovia."
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