"Rubryka" informs this, referring to the Office of the Prosecutor General of Ukraine
The prosecutor's office notes that as of the morning of February 14, 2023, the warfare actions of the russian federation affected at least 1,384 children.
According to the official information of juvenile prosecutors, 461 children were killed.
The number of victims in the war has increased, including 923 minors who received injuries of varying degrees of severity.
Juvenile prosecutors emphasize that these figures are still being determined, as work is ongoing in the areas of active hostilities, as well as in the temporarily occupied and liberated territories.
Children of war is the state platform that provides up-to-date and consolidated information about children who suffered as a result of russia's war against Ukraine, including killed, wounded, missing, deported, and those who were found and rescued. The platform was created by the Ministry of Reintegration together with the National Information Bureau on behalf of the Office of the President of Ukraine.
The Prosecutor General's Office emphasized that information on a war crime against a child can be provided through the single evidence hub: warcrimes.gov.ua and by phone: +380961004438, +380683235856.
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