"Rubryka" writes about this.
UCARE will direct 50% of the profit from the project to verified charitable foundations. In particular, part of the funds will be transferred to support the animal protection organization UAnimals, which fights to save animals during the war in Ukraine.
This is stated in the relevant contract for the provision of charitable assistance, which UCARE and UAnimals signed.
For reference:
The animal protection organization UAnimals, created in 2016 by public activist Oleksandr Todorchuk, began its activities with a large-scale struggle against the exploitation of animals in circuses. UAnimals initiated the largest animal rights march in Eastern Europe, which takes place simultaneously in 30 cities annually and gathers tens of thousands of caring Ukrainians.
And since the beginning of a full-scale war, activists have been helping animals from the war zone with evacuation, animal fodder, and medicines for shelters.
UCARE fully shares UAnimals' goal of living in Ukraine with no cruelty to animals and is financially involved in supporting the movement's activities. After all, animal rights activists constantly need funds for food, reconstruction of shelters affected by hostilities, and evacuation of animals to other countries or safer places in Ukraine.
It should be noted that currently, UCARE is actively establishing partnerships in the markets of Poland, Great Britain, Hungary, Germany, and the USA. The project aims to become a "bridge" between European retailers and Ukrainian manufacturers. Logistics, storage of goods, marketing, operational work, and negotiations on supply to trade networks are carried out by UCARE.
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