This was stated by NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg during a briefing in Brussels today, Ukrinform reports.
Moreover, Stoltenberg noted the urgency of delivering key capabilities to Ukraine, including weapons and ammunition, before russia can seize the initiative on the battlefield.
He also emphasized that NATO will support Ukraine for as long as it takes.
For reference:
On February 13, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg participated in a briefing in Brussels a day before the meeting of NATO defense ministers, including a Ukraine Defense Contact Group meeting, or the Ramstein format, that will begin on Tuesday. He mentioned that putin is preparing not for peace but for a new offensive, highlighting the importance of military support for Ukraine.
The Secretary-General also noted that "speed saves lives." Stoltenberg continued that if putin wins in Ukraine, it will signal to authoritarian states worldwide that they can use force for their foreign policy goals.
Read also – russia has launched a large-scale offensive in Ukraine – NATO chief.
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