Reuters reports this, Rubryka writes.
Spain requested Switzerland to allow it to send two 35-mm anti-aircraft guns to Kyiv in January. Bern has already rejected requests from Denmark and Germany to send Swiss-made armored vehicles and ammunition to Ukraine.
The country's law (War Materials Act) prohibits the export of military materials if the destination country is "involved in an internal or international armed conflict."
At the same time, according to Reuters, Switzerland may renounce neutrality to provide military aid to Kyiv.
According to the Zurich Institute for the Study of Public Opinion Sotomo survey, most Swiss citizens (55% of respondents) support re-exporting Swiss-made ammunition and weapons from third countries to Ukraine.
For reference:
Earlier, Spain confirmed sending 20 M113 armored personnel carriers to Ukraine. Also, according to the media, Spain can transfer from four to six Leopard 2 tanks.
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