He stated this in his latest video address.
"Several russian missiles passed through the airspace of Moldova and Romania. That is another proof that terror knows and will never know any borders, another proof that the protection of Ukraine is the protection of all of Europe and the world, of every country that wants to live. Today's missiles are a challenge to NATO and collective security. This is the terror that can and must be stopped. The world must stop it," Zelensky emphasized.
For reference:
The Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Valerii Zaluzhnyi, said that on February 10, two russian Kalibr cruise missiles crossed the state border of Ukraine with the Republic of Moldova and entered the airspace of Romania. After that, they re-entered the airspace of Ukraine at the crossing point of the borders of the three states. According to him, the missiles were launched from the waters of the Black Sea.
The Ministry of Defense of Moldova confirmed the violation of the country's airspace at 10:18 a.m. on Friday.
The rocket flew over the village of Mokrau in the Rybnytsky District, Transnistria, and then over Kosautsy in the Sorok district.
The Ministry of Defense of Romania said the russian missile flew 35 kilometers from the border.
It should be noted that it is russia's 14th massive attack on the energy system of Ukraine. Ukraine's Air defense forces managed to down 61 out of 71 missiles.
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