Bombing civilian targets amounts to war crime – Borrell

Today's massive missile attack on Ukraine is another war crime of the russian federation. The European Union will help the people of Ukraine until the victory.

Josep Borrell, High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, stated this, as Rubryka writes, referring to the press service of the European Commission.

Thus, Borrell reacted to another russian missile attack on Kyiv, Kharkiv, Zaporizhzhia, Lviv, and other cities of Ukraine and violation of the airspace of Moldova. He emphasized that the bombings of civilian areas and infrastructure were war crimes and vowed that they would not go unpunished.

 For reference:

Today, russian occupiers launched more than 70 rockets into Ukraine. Most of the enemy missiles were shot down by anti-aircraft defense forces.

Earlier, the EU High Representative Josep Borrell confirmed providing a 500 million euro military aid package to Ukraine.

The European Union will also double the number of Ukrainian military personnel undergoing training. Additionally, 15,000 servicemen will be trained. Thus, the total number of EUMAM (European Union Military Assistance Mission Ukraine)-trained personnel will increase to 30,000 people.


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