Zelensky meets EU leaders in Brussels

Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelensky held a meeting with the leaders of European countries and the EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs, according to the Head of State's Telegram channel.

The Ukrainian leader noted that the work in Brussels continues.

"During the meetings, certain steps to implement the peace formula were considered. I also called for a decision to start negotiations on Ukraine's accession to the EU already this year," the President emphasized

Zelensky also spoke on the battlefield's situation and conveyed information on Ukraine's defense needs, particularly regarding combat aviation, armored vehicles, artillery, and air defense.

"Speed is the most important to this end. Timely provision of the necessary equipment in the required quantities will enable to restore a just peace as soon as possible, as well as protect the interests and values of Europe," the Head of State emphasized.

For reference:

The day before, Zelensky went on his second foreign business trip after the start of a full-scale war. On February 8, he paid a working visit to Great Britain: he met with Prime Minister Rishi Sunak and, for the first time – with King Charles III. He also visited the training ground where Ukrainian soldiers are trained to operate Challenger 2 tanks.

He also spoke before the Parliament of Great Britain and expressed his gratitude in advance for the planes. The Prime Minister of Great Britain instructed the Ministry of Defense to study which aircraft could be transferred to Ukraine.

On the evening of February 8, Zelensky traveled to Paris, where he met with French President Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Olaf Scholz. Zelensky called for Ukraine to be provided with heavy weapons and aircraft as soon as possible.

In addition, Macron awarded the president of Ukraine with the Légion d'Honneur, France's highest award given by a president for military or civilian merit. And on the morning of February 9, Zelensky and Macron arrived in Brussels, where the EU summit was to take place.

On February 9, the President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky delivered a speech in the European Parliament.

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