Activists found NGO to protect rights of Ukrainian soldiers

Ukrainian lawyer, and war veteran Masi Naiem and human rights defender Liubov Halan initiated the project. The organization's members are lawyers, human rights defenders, and analysts.

The organization's goal is to make respect for the military the basis of all interactions between the state and the soldiers.

"We are currently lacking this. We want to help the authorities change the system, so everyone who protects the state feels that the state values them in return. Respect shouldn't just be a nice word for posts and speeches. It should translate into high-quality, comfortable state services for the military," says Naiem.

The initiative's first task will be to create instructions for wounded soldiers. We will remind you that Naiem was wounded at the front line in the summer of 2022.

"Next to the treatment, the fighter's situation is complicated by many problems. After being injured on the battlefield, such a patient is thrown into queues with a mess of documents. Rehabilitation is made even more difficult for soldiers instead of them getting comfort. I am convinced we can change this, although it is not easy," says the lawyer.

The organization's members and Ukraine's Ministry of Digital Transformation have already taken up the digitalization of the Military Medical Commission.

The NGO is asking everyone to subscribe to the initiative's Facebook page and follow updates.

The Ukrainian government is also working to make life easier for wounded soldiers. Rehabilitation teams in hospitals have already been obliged to involve prosthetists. The patients won't need to consult different doctors. The prosthetics and subsequent rehabilitation process will be simplified as much as possible.

At the beginning of this year, President Volodymyr Zelensky, despite the criticism of thousands of Ukrainians, increased the responsibility of the military for not fulfilling the commander's orders.

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