UK to send longer-range weapons to Ukraine, train fighter pilots

British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak plans to announce long-range weapons deliveries to Kyiv and an expanded training program for Ukrainian troops.

The Guardian reports, citing Downing Street, that the announcement comes amid the surprise visit of the President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky, to Britain.

This is the Ukrainian leader's first visit to Britain since the beginning of russia's invasion almost a year ago.

Downing Street reported that Mr. Sunak would announce an expansion of the Ukrainian military training program to include fighter pilots and marines, in this way "ensuring Ukraine has a military able to defend its interests well into the future."

The training will provide pilots with the opportunity to fly modern fighters that meet NATO standards.

According to Downing Street, thanks to the recruit training program in place in the UK, 10,000 Ukrainian service members have been brought to combat readiness over the past six months, and another 20,000 Ukrainian soldiers are to be trained this year.

UK PM is also expected to announce further sanctions, including against individuals who helped russian president vladimir putin grow his wealth and companies that profit from the Kremlin's war machine.

As Rubryka reported, the Ukrainian president will visit Great Britain on Wednesday, February 8.

Zelensky is expected to speak in the British Parliament on Wednesday and then leave for Brussels.

Since the beginning of russia's invasion, Zelensky had made only one trip outside of Ukraine when he went to the United States and stopped in Poland on the way back before Christmas in 2022.

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