Denmark, Germany, Netherlands agree to supply nearly 100 Leopard tanks to Ukraine

The Netherlands, Denmark, and Germany agreed to work together to transfer about a hundred Leopard 1 tanks from German industrial warehouses, says the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands, Wopke Hoekstra.

The European Pravda reports that the countries joined forces to supply at least 100 refurbished Leopard 1 battle tanks in an effort "to support Ukraine in their endeavor to withstand russian aggression."

"The Netherlands, together with Germany and Denmark, will supply at least 100 Leopard-1A5 battle tanks to Ukraine. The Ukrainians need them in their resistance against Russian aggression. The Netherlands will make a financial and personnel contribution," said the Dutch minister.

At the same time, the Danish Ministry of Defense published a statement, saying they initially planned to hand over about 80 vehicles, and the first tanks would be in proper condition in a few months.

According to the unofficial information of the Danish DR, the minister meant the former Danish Leopard tanks, decommissioned in 2010 and sold back to the German manufacturer, where they remain in warehouses. Now Denmark will help modernize them to transfer them to Ukraine.

Later, the countries released their joint statement

"Within the coming months, Ukraine will receive at least 100 of LEOPARD 1 A5 battle tanks, including the required logistic support and training. Denmark, Germany and the Netherlands are providing refurbished LEOPARD 1 A5 from industrial stocks; the first ones being delivered within a few month. In doing so, we are guided by the needs of Ukraine," the communique says.

Our initiative includes training on the LEOPARD 1 A5 and a "spare parts and ammunition package," the statement added.

The countries stressed the Leo 1 A5 Initiative is open to other further partners, adding that Belgium showed initial interest in participating. This initiative will substantially and sustainably strengthen the Ukrainian armed forces and complement the efforts already underway to support Ukraine with LEOPARD 2 main battle tanks.

Earlier, the Federal Security Council of Germany approved the supply of 178 Leopard-1 tanks from industrial reserves to Ukraine.

Ukrainian Defense Minister Oleksii Reznikov, after meeting with his German colleague in Kyiv, announced that Ukraine should receive 80 Leopard 1s by the end of the year, and the first two dozen should arrive "by the summer."

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