Sociologists report that a stable 65% of the adult US population wants the United States government to continue to support Ukraine in returning its territory even if it leads to a protracted conflict. However, 31% of respondents say they prefer the US to work to end the war quickly, even if doing so meant allowing russia to keep occupied territories.
These findings come from a Gallup web survey conducted between January 3 and 22, when russia's war was largely at a standstill and discussions were taking place between the United States, Germany, and other Western allies about potentially stepping up their military support for the nation to include tanks. President Joe Biden stated that the United States would send 31 tanks to Ukraine shortly after the survey was completed.
Most Americans (39%) believe the support given to Ukraine in the war is correct. Another 30% believe the US is not doing enough, and 28% say the aid is too much.
The survey mentions that the Biden administration has made support for Ukraine a cornerstone of its foreign policy. This may explain party differences on this issue. After all, Democrats support Ukraine much more than Republicans and independents. However, most of the members of the three parties support the continuation of Ukraine's struggle to return its territory.
Among the Republicans, there are most of those in favor of a quick end to the war, even at the cost of territorial losses for Ukraine.
According to the poll, 81% of Democratic voters favor supporting Ukraine until it returns the territories russia illegally seized, while 53% of Republican voters and 59% of independent voters do.
Among Republican voters, the highest percentage of those who support a quick end to the conflict, even at the cost of the lost territories of Ukraine, is 41%. Only 16% of Democratic voters hold this opinion, and 48% of independents.
Almost half of Republicans (47%) think the US is doing too much, while 48% of Democrats think US intervention is adequate.
41% of Democrats think the US is not doing enough.
Respondents who support independence are evenly split between the two camps: 35% each believe the US is doing too much and to the proper extent.
Democrats are more likely than independents and Republicans to believe the US is not doing enough.
Republican leaders' concerns about Ukraine policy focus on keeping the US as far away from direct conflict with russia as possible and not offering Ukraine what some call a "blank check." Other concerns related to the transparency of the Ukrainian government.
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