Two Ukrainians likely killed in earthquake in Türkiye

As a result of a powerful quake in Türkiye on February 6, two Ukrainian citizens were probably killed, and four were injured; Ukrainian consuls will go to the city of Gaziantep to help the affected Ukrainians.

This was announced by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman, Oleh Nikolenko, European Pravda reports.

"As the Turkish side reported, two Ukrainian citizens were probably killed due to the earthquake. The embassy is currently verifying this information and taking measures to identify the victims. It is also known about four injured Ukrainians. They received minor injuries, no threats to their lives, and they do not need hospitalization. The victims are provided with temporary housing and food products," the spokesman said.

According to the ministry's spokesman, diplomats generally have found 38 citizens. They cooperate with the Turkish rescue services to find the other 19 Ukrainians, who have yet to make contact.

Oleh Nikolenko also reported that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is preparing to send Ukrainian consuls to Gaziantep as soon as possible.

"Consuls will coordinate assistance to Ukrainian citizens on the spot and deliver them warm clothes and other essential items. On the way back, the embassy plans to transport by its vehicles those Ukrainians who would express a desire to move to other regions of Türkiye," Oleh Nikolenko.

Nikolenko also stressed that the consuls would coordinate on the spot the assistance to Ukrainians and provide them with warm clothes and essential items.

"On the way back, the embassy plans to transport by its vehicles the Ukrainians who would be willing to move to other regions of Türkiye," he said.

For reference:

In the early morning of February 6, southeast Türkiye and northwest Syria were shaken by several powerful earthquakes; the magnitude of the main one was 7.7. At lunchtime, there were repeated earthquake shakes that caused new destruction.

According to the latest data, the number of dead in both countries has already exceeded 5 thousand people. In connection with the natural disaster, a state of emergency was introduced in 10 provinces of Türkiye for three months.

EU countries will send more than a thousand rescuers to help Türkiye, and Ukraine is sending a team of 87 rescuers.

Read also: Ukraine may send rescuers to Türkiye to aid earthquake response.

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