This was announced by Olha Aivasovska, the head of the board of the civil network "OPORA."
The collection of signatures for this document, which was worked on by analytical centers, Ukrainian historians, and political scientists, is being completed.
Aivazovska said:
"That is our vision of the consequences of the aggression happening today that should be applied to russia. Such measures include the demands of Ukrainian civil society to stakeholders, namely the state, society in general, and the management system. In a certain way, [the document] may even deal with the subject of the russian Constitution ".
The details of the strategy have not yet been disclosed, as the document is still being finalized. Aivazovska notes that the requirements of the strategy may be exaggerated.
The head of the board of the civil network "OPORA" noted:
"But now Ukrainian society has the right to make such exaggerated demands because, in reality, it will not be possible to overcome the consequences of the war or the cause of the armed aggression without this historical issue, which everyone should understand, and our Western partners in particular."
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