It is noted that most of the shells manufactured at plants in northeastern Pennsylvania are sent to Ukraine.
The oldest of those plants, in Scranton, first began making steel shells in the early 1950s for the Korean War.
During the entire production process, employees check the quality of the billets. After filling with explosives, shells are even checked through X-rays, which reveal any cavities inside the projectiles that could adversely affect the combat use of the ammunition. This is one of the final quality checks that artillery ammunition undergoes.
After that, some shells are sent to Yuma, Arizona, where they will be fired from howitzers at the range. If they pass the test, the remaining tens of thousands of shells made this month will be approved for use.
The US has already sent more than 1 mln artillery rounds to Ukraine. According to the New York Times, currently, the Armed Forces of Ukraine shells from 2000 to 4000 artillery projectiles on a daily basis. The Pentagon is going to increase the production of artillery shells by 500 percent within two years.
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