This was reported to journalists on Wednesday by the permanent representative of Malta to the UN, Vanessa Frazier, Ukrinform reports.
Representing the country that presides over the Security Council in February, she noted that the foreign ministers of Security Council member countries are invited to the debate.
Frazier noted that the level of representation of countries at the Security Council is still unknown, as is the list of speakers. This will become clear closer to the event itself, she explained.
The diplomat stressed that her country condemns russia's aggression against Ukraine.
"Although Malta is a neutral country, it is an active neutrality," she added.
The resolution "Legal and human rights aspects of the russian federation's aggression against Ukraine" of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, adopted on January 26, states that the inability of the UN Security Council to oppose russia's aggression against Ukraine due to the abuse of the right of veto is an existential threat to the international legal order.
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