Nearly 1,700 Polish companies want to participate in Ukraine’s reconstruction

About 1,700 Polish companies plan to join Ukraine's reconstruction and the restoration of exports of goods and services to Ukraine.

The representative of the Polish Investment and Trade Agency (PAIH) stated this in Kyiv, Karol Kubica, reports.

"In June 2022, we became the operator of the cooperation project preparing for the recovery of exports and the post-war reconstruction of Ukraine. So far, almost 1,700 Polish companies have applied," said Kubica.

The Polish representative added that a third of these companies represent Poland's construction sector.

In addition, these companies include representatives of:

  • information technologies and telecommunications,
  • engineering,
  • medical and pharmaceutical industries,
  • agricultural and consumer sectors.

The PAIH representative reported in Kyiv that these companies are interested in exporting to Ukraine and investing and cooperating with Ukrainian counterparties.

According to him, about 60% of these companies represent small and medium-sized businesses.

Kubica reported that since last August, more than 1,500 Polish entrepreneurs have participated in several consultations and training regarding participation in the reconstruction and restoration of exports to Ukraine.

As the PAIH representative said, from January 31 to February 3, the BUDMA International Construction and Architecture Fair will take place in Poznań, and the Poland-Ukraine International Construction Conference will be held within its agenda.

This will be the first meeting in Poland dedicated exclusively to the construction issue in the context of Ukraine's reconstruction. Representatives of the construction industry from Western Europe and Scandinavia will participate in this discussion.

In the summer, Poland created a special government internet platform where Polish companies who wanted to participate in the post-war reconstruction of Ukraine could register.

Since russia's full-scale invasion began on February 24, the russian army has brought devastation of destruction to many Ukrainian cities, targeting critical civilian infrastructure, like schools, hospitals, residential buildings, and energy power facilities. Among the cities severely damaged by the russian forces are Mariupol, Mykolaiv, Kherson, Nikopol, Bakmut, Irpin, Bucha, Hostomel, Kharkiv, and many more. Frontline regions are under daily shelling by russia's artillery, MRLS, and mortars.

Based on the highest priorities, Ukraine's President Zelensky and Ukraine's government developed the Ukraine Recovery Plan to address the reconstruction and offer different countries to take the lead in the recovery process of a specific region or city. For instance, on January 30, it became known that Denmark would help to rebuild the war-torn Mykolaiv.

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