This is evidenced by the data of the German government, the EP writes, referring to Euractiv.
The document noted that German exports to russia were almost 60% lower in October 2022 compared to October 2021.
At the same time, imports from this country fell by only about 49%, despite a large-scale effort to phase out russian fossil fuel imports.
"Trade with russia has weakened significantly since the beginning of russia's aggressive war against Ukraine," the written response of the German government emphasized.
This is how they responded to the parliamentary inquiry published on Monday.
The document adds that it is impossible to determine exactly to what extent the reduction in German-russian trade is a direct consequence of the war and to what extent it is a result of the EU sanctions introduced against russia.
We would like to remind you that the European Union is not considering introducing previously canceled customs duties on Ukrainian agricultural products, despite the negative impact on the farmers of some countries.
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