As European Pravda reports, the comments were made during his visit to Seoul.
While discussing the partnership between NATO and South Korea, Stoltenberg also talked about the challenges created by russia's war against Ukraine and common problems due to North Korea, which has further intensified its ballistic missile tests, in a conversation with the foreign minister.
"We also know North Korea provides military assistance to russia in the war — with missiles and shells, and this only emphasizes how everything is interconnected," Jens Stoltenberg said.
He noted that he hopes to expand cooperation with Seoul in such areas as cyber security, the latest technologies, and arms control.
In the fall, it became known that the United States accused North Korea of secretly supplying russia with a significant amount of artillery shells for use in the war in Ukraine and trying to hide these supplies.
In January, the United States handed over to the UN Security Council Committee on Sanctions Against North Korea evidence of Pyongyang's supply of weapons to the russian private military company Wagner, which is using them in the war in Ukraine.
moscow and Pyongyang continue to deny the allegations.
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