Ukraine’s leadership honors memory of Holocaust victims

President Volodymyr Zelensky and Commander-in-Chief of Ukraine's Armed Forces Valerii Zaluzhnyi honored the memory of the victims of the Holocaust.

Zelensky emphasized in a video message published on his Telegram channel that the more people overcome indifference, the less space there will be for hatred.

"Today, as always, Ukraine honors the memory of millions of victims of the Holocaust. We know and remember that indifference, together with hatred, kills. Indifference and hatred are always the only two capable of creating evil," the President emphasized.

That is why, Zelensky says, everyone who values life must show determination when saving those whom hatred seeks to destroy.

Zelensky noted that today we remember the righteous people of the world, different people in different countries, who were equally determined to save lives, and the determination of the global coalition that stopped Nazism.

"And today we repeat even more strongly than before: never again to hatred, never again to indifference. The more nations of the world overcome indifference, the less space will remain for hatred. Eternal memory to all victims of the Holocaust!" said Zelensky.

In turn, the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Valery Zaluzhnyi, noted that history is repeating itself today. Ukrainians are being subjected to genocide. He wrote about this on Telegram.

"We honor the memory of the victims of the Holocaust. We share the pain of the Jewish people and all those who suffered from Nazi terror during the Second World War," said the Commander-in-Chief.

Zaluzhnyi recalled that on this day in 1945, the soldiers of the 1st Ukrainian Front liberated the prisoners of the largest Nazi death camp, Auschwitz-Birkenau, near Auschwitz.

As he noted, the tragedy should have served as a warning to humanity.

"Today, again in the very center of Europe, a genocide of Ukrainians is taking place," Zaluzhnyi stressed.

"The armed forces of Ukraine are the first army of peace. We defend our people. We fight for the survival of the Ukrainian nation, for freedom, memory, and truth," he emphasized.


On January 27, the world honors the International Day of Remembrance of the Victims of the Holocaust. The UN General Assembly established the date to commemorate the victims of the genocide of the Jewish people during the Second World War.

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