Rubryka writes about this with reference to the Prime Minister of Ukraine, Denys Shmyhal, on Telegram.
According to the head of the Cabinet of Ministers, during the meeting, he announced the key tasks, namely:
Ensuring predictable, rhythmic budget support in 2023. There is already aid from the USA and the European Union for 10 billion dollars and 18 billion euros, respectively. Ukraine expects to finance the deficit difference with the help of the IMF.
Plan and ensure the beginning of the recovery of Ukraine. Four priorities have been identified in this matter: energy restoration, humanitarian demining, restoration of housing, and critical and social infrastructure.
Coordination of financial instruments supporting the economy and the private sector (military risk insurance, public-private partnership, assistance in financing small business support projects).
"I am grateful to the allies for their support of Ukraine and help in finding new effective forms of solidarity with our state," Shmyhal added.
On January 24, an energy "Ramstein" meeting was held, at which Shmyhal named Ukraine's main priorities in equipment. He explained how the energy and financial "Ramsteins" work.
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