Rubryka reports, referring to the Facebook of Ukraine's Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Emine Dzhaparova.
As the official noted, the year began with important news for cultural diplomacy.
The deputy emphasized that establishing the representative office was made possible thanks to trilateral cooperation between the Ukrainian Institute, the Goethe Institute, and the Alliance for Open Society International with the assistance of the Embassy of Ukraine in the Federal Republic of Germany.
"The first representative office of the Ukrainian Institute will open in Berlin, which will contribute to a better understanding of Ukraine in German society and popularize our culture.
russia's full-scale invasion changed the lives of each of us, but we do not position ourselves as victims. On the contrary, we increase our subjectivity.
The opening of the representative office of the Ukrainian Institute in Germany is a landmark event and an indicator that cultural diplomacy remains our priority direction. 'Soft power' is the key to wider military, economic, and humanitarian support," the deputy minister emphasized.
Dzhaparova said that in 2018-2022, the Ukrainian Institute already organized 18 events and projects of cultural diplomacy in Germany.
These included film screenings, theater readings, productions, visual art exhibitions, artistic residencies, modern and classical music concerts, literary events, etc.
The official emphasized that in 2023 the team of the representative office will consist of three people:
The Ukrainian Institute is a state institution that develops cultural ties between Ukraine and other countries and creates a positive image of Ukraine abroad.
Its mission is to promote better understanding and a dignified attitude towards Ukraine and to create opportunities for Ukrainians to interact with the world.
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