russia is preparing for new mobilization, including in Moscow – UA Intelligence

russia is preparing for a new wave of mobilization. In particular, attention will be paid to the central regions of the russian federation, including military enlistment offices targeting residents of Moscow.

Rubryka reports, referring to Ukraine's Defense Intelligence at the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine.

Intelligence noted that the authorities in the russian capital are banning gatherings of groups of more than 20 people.

It is reported that "voluntary" groups of 3-5 people are being formed in Moscow to patrol central streets, squares, places near metro stations, and large shopping centers, the intelligence added.

The task of these groups is to prevent a possible gathering of people to prevent possible protest actions. According to the instructions, any group of more than 20 people is considered "suspicious."

The agency believes that during the new wave of mobilization in russia, increased attention will be paid to the population of the "central regions." In particular, groups of military enlistment office employees arrive at Moscow enterprises to conduct campaigning activities among employees.

Intelligence notes that these measures are accompanied by moral pressure and intimidation of people. Military commissions are most interested in men aged 40-55 who have served in the army and have certain military specialties

russia is also intensifying propaganda work aimed at foreign citizens, mainly migrants from the former republics of the USSR.

"Men of conscription age who apply to the authorities for russian citizenship are asked to sign a contract for military service. After that, the issue of granting citizenship is automatically resolved," the intelligence officers say.

Mobilization in russia

At the end of November 2023, the General Staff of Ukraine's Armed Forces reported that preparatory measures for the next wave of mobilization were underway on the territory of russia. It is scheduled for January-February 2023.

In December, the General Staff noted that in the military commissariats in the temporarily occupied territory of Crimea, the russians have already formed lists of people who are subject to conscription for mobilization in January 2023.

At the beginning of January 2023, the representative of the Defense Intelligence of the Ministry of Defense, Vadym Skibitskyi, said that russia wants to mobilize another 500 thousand people in January.

Officially, on October 28, 2022, russia's minister of defense, sergei shoigu, reported to the president of russia, vladimir putin, about the completion of the so-called partial mobilization.

During its implementation, russia managed to recruit 300,000 people to the army, and other mobilization tasks "are not planned."

Instead, President Volodymyr Zelenskyi said that the wave of mobilization in russia, the end of which was announced on October 28, may not be the last.

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