In January 2023, a new media outlet called Ukraine World News was launched. It has plans to start television broadcasting, as well. The editorial team of the channel includes former employees of the banned pro-Russian Ukraine's channels NewsOne, ZIK and 112 Ukraine.
Despite the similarity in names, the English-language project is not a part of this newly-created outlet and has nothing to do with it. The team did not participate in its creation and is not involved in its work.
The NGO Internews Ukraine, which launched the platform in 2014, strongly condemns attempts to use its recognized and respected brand, which has earned trust, authority, and popularity among the international community. The monthly reach of the UkraineWorld Twitter page is 125 million. Its podcast Explaining Ukraine was included in the top 6 English-language podcasts about Ukraine by The Guardian and the 20 best radio shows and podcasts about Ukraine by The Times. The project's experts are quoted by influential foreign media, including Financial Times, Le Monde, Atlantic Council, Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, and others.
It is particularly infuriating that the media initiative Ukraine World News was launched by former employees and media managers of banned pro-Russian TV channels associated with ex-politician Viktor Medvedchuk and his accomplice Taras Kozak, who are now suspected of high treason. This new outlet is set to become a platform for spreading the "voice of the Kremlin" in Ukraine.
With this in mind, we consider any efforts to renew the operations of pro-Russian media in Ukraine unacceptable, especially during Russia's large-scale information warfare, which was launched even before the start of Russia's direct military aggression.
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