48% of citizens in 9 EU countries want russia’s war to end quicker, even if Ukraine loses land

Residents of the European Union countries are divided in their vision of the end of russia's war against Ukraine: the Germans and Austrians are in favor of a quick end to the war even at the cost of Ukrainian territorial losses, but the Poles, the Dutch and the Portuguese are against this idea.

These are the data of the research of the Euroskopia network in nine EU countries (Portugal, Austria, the Netherlands, Poland, Spain, France, Germany, Italy, and Greece).

The scientists said that, in general, 48% of all surveyed EU countries favor a quick end to the conflict, even if Ukraine has to give part of its territory to russia. In comparison, 32%, almost one in three Europeans, oppose such a sacrifice.

They note that 48% of citizens in the Netherlands expressed their opposition to Ukraine giving up territories for a quick end to the war.

45% in Portugal and 42% in Poland think the same.

However, sociologists reported that more than 60% of the people of Austria and Germany wanted the war to end quickly. The result is interesting because the German government is one of those that provided the most significant military aid to Ukraine.

Greeks (54%), Italians (50%), and Spaniards (50%) also support a quick end to the war at the cost of territorial losses.

The example of Spain shows that the voters of the left-wing parties of the ruling coalition are most in favor of ending the war as soon as possible, even if it means territorial concessions on the part of Ukraine in favor of the russian federation.

However, there is a greater consensus on the supply of weapons to Ukraine, which has the support of 56% of the surveyed citizens of nine EU countries.

The area in which opinions are least divided is attention to refugees.

29% of Europeans believe that Poland is the country that has helped refugees the most.

The study was conducted in nine large European Union countries on samples of 1,000 adult citizens (9,000 interviews were conducted).

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