US Deputy Secretary of State arrived in Ukraine on working visit

US Deputy Secretary of State Wendy Sherman arrived in Ukraine on a working visit on January 16. She held meetings with Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal and the Head of the President's Office, Andriy Yermak.

With reference to the press service of the President's Office and Shmyhal's message on Telegram, Rubryka informs.

Sherman took part in a briefing for the United States delegation, which was devoted to Ukraine's resistance to a full-scale russia's invasion.

During it, Yermak informed the American partners about the main events taking place in Ukraine and around its borders due to the aggression of the russian federation. He also thanked the US for supporting Ukraine in the struggle for independence and territorial integrity.

"Ukrainians will never forget the help and support provided to us by the United States, the American people, the government, the President, and the Congress," Yermak said, emphasizing the importance of the United States' leadership in uniting the international coalition.

During the briefing, representatives of the Ukrainian intelligence and commanders of the troops of the operational areas informed the US delegation about the current situation at the front and the needs of the defense forces units.

The American delegation also listened to reports on the work of air defense systems to repel russian missile attacks and the consequences of missile strikes during the Christmas holidays and on January 14, and discussed the issue of restoring damaged energy facilities and the measures taken to protect them from enemy air attacks.

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