High-level delegation to represent Ukraine at World Economic Forum

The World Economic Forum (WEF) will start on Monday in Davos, Switzerland.

The WEF website reported.

"The world today is at a critical inflection point. The twin triggers of the COVID-19 pandemic and the war in Ukraine rattled an already brittle global system. Economic growth in the world's largest economies is stalling while navigating headwinds from rising food and energy prices. For the first time since the 1970s, the world is facing a precarious disequilibrium with growth and inflation moving in oppositive directions. This is occurring alongside heightened geo-economic fragmentation, financial sector vulnerabilities, including stretched asset prices and high debt levels, and a climate crisis spiraling out of control, which could magnify any growth slowdown, particularly in emerging markets. Unless these systemic and interconnected risks are addressed, the promise of a 'decade of action' may become a decade of uncertainty and fragility," the WEF organizers say.

The forum will discuss solutions to the energy and food crises, the fight against high inflation, low growth rates, and increased indebtedness, eliminating social vulnerabilities, and countermeasures against modern geopolitical risks.

WEF will last until January 20. Record 52 heads of state and government will take part in this year's forum under the slogan "Cooperation in a Fragmented World." In total, more than 2,700 representatives from 130 countries are expected.

A high-level delegation will represent Ukraine. On the WEF website, speeches are announced, in particular, by the head of the President's Office, Andrii Yermak (January 19), the First Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Economy Yulia Svyridenko (January 17-18), the head of Naftogaz of Ukraine Oleksii Chernyshov (January 17).

President Volodymyr Zelensky, as his press secretary Serhii Nikiforov previously stated, will participate in the World Economic Forum in Davos remotely.

At the same time, russian representatives will not participate in this year's forum, as they were not invited due to russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine.

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