Air Force commander: Ukraine has no weapons against missile russians fired at house in Dnipro

The Armed Forces of Ukraine do not have weapons capable of shooting down the type of missiles, one of which hit an apartment block in Dnipro, destroying an entire section.

"On January 14, 2023, five Kh-22 cruise missiles were fired from five Tu-22m3 Russian long-range bombers at the territory of Ukraine. Missiles were launched from Kursk region and the Sea of Azov waters. One of Kh-22 missiles, launched from Kursk region around 15:30, hit an apartment block in the city of Dnipro," Lieutenant General Mykola Oleshchuk, Commander of the Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine said, Ukrinform reports with reference to the Ministry of Defense.

It is noted that the approximate place of the launch of the missile, the altitude and the speed of its flight were detected by radar means.

"There is no doubt that it was a Kh-22 missile," Oleshchuk stressed.

He emphasized that the Armed Forces of Ukraine do not have weapons capable of shooting down this type of missile.

According to the commander of the Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, more than 210 missiles of this type have been fired at the territory of Ukraine since the beginning of Russia's military aggression. None of them were shot down by air defense systems.

The weight of a Kh-22 warhead is about 950 kg. The maximum range is up to 600 km. When used from long distances, the deviation from the target can be hundreds of meters.

"Only anti-aircraft missile systems that may be provided to Ukraine by Western partners in the future (such as Patriot PAC-3 or SAMP-T) are capable of intercepting these air targets," Oleshchuk explained.

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