Rubryka reports, referring to the results of a survey by the Razumkov Center. Sociologists conducted research from December 21, 2022, to January 3, 2023.
Scientists noted that 59% of respondents named Volodymyr Zelensky when answering the question, "Which Ukrainian politician would you call the politician of 2022?"
Sociologists also reminded that after being elected to the post of president in 2019, Zelensky led the ratings in the Politician of the Year nomination every year:
Valerii Zaluzhnyi (10%) is in second place with the frequency of mention.
According to the survey, Zelensky was named the politician of the year 2022 by the majority of respondents in all regions:
It is mentioned more often by women (62%) than men (55%).
Representatives of younger age groups more often than people of middle and older age:
Among those who mainly speak Ukrainian at home, 60% called the current president the politician of the year, and 55% were those who mainly speak russian.
The higher the level of well-being of the respondents, the more often they mention Zelensky — from 54% of those who answer that their family "barely makes ends meet" to 63% who answer that they "live well."
The survey by the face-to-face method was conducted only in those territories controlled by the government of Ukraine where hostilities are not taking place.
The structure of the sample population reproduces the demographic structure of the adult population of the territories where the survey was conducted as of the beginning of 2022 (by age, sex, and type of settlement).
Sociologists surveyed 2,017 respondents aged 18 and over. The theoretical sampling error does not exceed 2.3%. At the same time, other systematic deviations of the sample may be caused by the consequences of russian aggression, particularly the forced evacuation of millions of citizens.
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