This was stated by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Olta Xhaçka, on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Ukraine and Albania.
"Both Albania and Ukraine belong to the family of free democratic states, the future of both countries lies in the Euro-Atlantic family. On the occasion of the 30th anniversary of (diplomatic relations. – ed.) I am glad to announce that Albania will increase the level of diplomatic representation in Kyiv and open an embassy in Ukraine," the minister wrote.
In the statement, she noted that both countries have passed the path from tyranny to the democracies of the free world and noted the heroic struggle of Ukrainians to preserve their freedom.
"Under the current circumstances, we are happy to support Ukraine as true friends on the right side of history," Olta Xhaçka said.
We will remind you that the Embassy of Ukraine in Albania started working in the middle of 2020, and Volodymyr Shkurov became the ambassador. At the same time, the expected opening of the Albanian embassy in Ukraine was announced. But this did not happen.
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