This is stated in the statement of the EU representation in Ukraine, EP writes.
The statement emphasizes:
"The state anti-corruption program of Ukraine, the result of enormous interagency work with the support of the EU Anti-Corruption Initiative, is currently being approved by the Cabinet of Ministers. It is the cornerstone of Ukraine's free and democratic future on the way to the EU and, in particular, its reconstruction."
The EU representative office also noted:
"We hope that the implementation of this ambitious and high-quality document, which is based on the Anti-Corruption Strategy, will be able to start as soon as possible for further anti-corruption reforms in Ukraine. With this hope, we continue to stand side by side firmly with Ukraine."
At the end of December, the government announced that it had taken all steps to implement the seven recommendations of the European Commission, which will be used to assess Kyiv's progress toward EU membership.
At Ukraine's request, the European Union agreed to make an early assessment of the seven recommendations, which is expected already in the spring of 2023.
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