Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal announced this during the government meeting, EP writes.
"We received about UAH 1 trillion from our international partners," the head of the Cabinet of Ministers said.
Of these, 410 billion UAH were provided by the United States, 390 billion UAH were provided by the countries of the European Union and its institutions together with the European Investment Bank.
Another UAH 88 billion was received from the IMF, UAH 60 billion from the World Bank, and UAH 17 billion from Japan. Other amounts also came from many other partners.
"We are grateful to the governments and peoples of all countries who supported Ukraine financially last year. Thanks to this, we did not delay for a single day neither pensions, nor social benefits, nor salaries for teachers or doctors. We financed all these expenses in full and on time," – Shmyhal added.
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